
Farm Tour

This afternoon, CP, the mascots and I went on the Piedmont Farm Tour. It was a beautiful day, sky all scrubbed clean from the terrible killer weather system that rolled through yesterday (most of the people who died from that system were in NC. The Gov declared a state of emergency.).

We went to Celebrity Goat Farm, where we partook of some deviled eggs and other delights, and I bought some banana butter (like apple butter, except...you know). I'm not a fan of goat cheese unless it's really mild, so I passed.
Then we went to some other place that was so unappealing that I've already forgotten its name, then on to Spence's farm where the mascots showed us their familiarity with a banty rooster named Henry and all the horses, having done some after school time there. Ending up at Maple View and ice cream - just like last year.

Did I take pictures of animals? No.
(Although the little donkey at Maple View was adorable)


  1. That brings back a memory of the weekend we spent at Celebrity Dairy & we brought back plenty of goat cheese. It really is good. They were talking about the tour while we were there.

  2. Hey Kim,
    We went on the tour also. I did a blog post on it. We ended up at the Eddy Pub in Saxapawhaw. What a neat town.
