
The Redbuds Are Coming!

It is prime redbud season around here right now. From pink to almost maroon, they make me smile with their loveliness.

I love Dogwoods too. They start out as lemony-lime colored buds and then become the ethereal white flower. (pink is good too) They seem like they might have come from Lothlórien, the way the flowers appear to be suspended in the air by some magical elven power.


  1. Love your redbud picture. We have a small one in our front yard with beautiful blooms on it even in all this cold.
    Have a good one Kim:-)

  2. Thanks Kathiey. I can't take credit for either one - got them off the internet. :)

  3. Colors are everywhere and this season is my all time favorite. Blossoms are everywhere you look and I can't get enough of them. Have a great week Kim.

  4. Redbuds--beautiful! Love that name, too. We don't have them here but our flowering trees are starting to bloom. Still pouring but winter's nearly done at last.
