
I Can't Stop Reading

I first read Jon Katz's articles in Slate online. Here's the archive link:

I fell in love with his dogs and the way he lovingly described the farm, his neighbors, his steer Elvis, and the donkeys.

Hadn't been to his website in awhile, I guess quite a long while, because there's been some changes. He's divorced and getting re-married, his daughter's written a book and he starting on a children's book.

Anyway, while I was poking around on his website, I came across his hospice journal. It only spans about a year, there's no explanation why. It could be one year is all one can do. I imagine it is a very rewarding, yet emotionally draining experience. The hospice workers and volunteers are amazing, generous people. http://hospice.bedlamfarm.com/

May I recommend a big box of Kleenex and starting at the beginning. Click on archives to select the month.


  1. Thanks Kim for this post. What an amazing site. I worked with hospice when my dad was dying a couple of years ago. Since then both my mom and brother have "crossed onto safety"....made me cry but what a beautiful site.
    Thank you:-)

  2. The dog Izzy sounds like a remarkable dog, and the photos - wow. I'm tearing up just typing this!
    Hospice was great during the last year of my grandmother's life - not just for her, but for my mom. She had a great support system.

    I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your father, mother and brother. What a burden to bear, even if they are "safe" now.
