

So this new job, the one where I field calls from people suffering (along with other boring paperworky type stuff) is..is what? Okay? Good enough?

I really, really like the people I work with. They are committed to helping others and take this charge seriously. I like that. I also like feeling that I'm contributing to "the good".

But you know what? All that stuff I said about it being more worthwhile to help people than it is to make money is kinda BS. I feel like I've fallen from grace, that I'm being punished. Why should I (or anyone) in the social services have to settle for less?

Our whole system of what is a "worthwhile" profession and what isn't is skewed. Seriously skewed.
When the person who fixes your computer makes more per hour than the person who takes care of your drug addicted child or your aging parent - something is wrong.

Part of it is the recession (that's over, according to some) and the other bigger part is - helping people is not as valued as, say, developing software.

For fun, let's look at the average salaries of:
Teachers - $40,000
Social workers - $38,000
Policemen - $50,000
Firefighters - $42,500
And now:
Mechanical engineer - $64,500
Software architect - $109,5000
CEO - $232,000

What happened there?
Why do we value things over people?


  1. That's a deep question Kim. Wish I knew the answer but I don't. I do hope you have a great week.

  2. Well, if Life was all about money, then that would be one thing. But Life is about so much more and to me, the most valuable things have nothing to do with money at all. Nor does the world (those who don't know God) understand what's right, so to me, it's not worth ruining my days wringing my hands over what's going on.

    Where I can make changes, I make changes. Where I can encourage, I encourage. Where I can do nothing, I pray--and then leave the rest in God's hands and in the hands of those who are called to do what I cannot. And I enjoy my life in the midst of it all.

    Hope that makes sense......Debra

  3. It's a completely screwy world. I sit and read news about public school and their teachers and merit raises and my skin almost peels off from confusion and frustration.

    (Then I eat cookies. It helps. A little. Okay, a lot, but don't tell.)

    (Also, I'm glad the new job has some good parts. May they multiply, many times over.)
