
More Troubles

Belfast is riots and rubber bullets again.

The UVF (Ulster Volunteer Force (a Protestant/Unionist organization) seems to have started things. And we haven't even come to the big days of the marching season yet. 

My heritage is Ulster Scot (a.k.a. Scots-Irish) - Protestant, unionist (meaning they want the six counties of Ulster to remain part of Great Britain). 

I had experiences with some Apprentice Boys while in Northern Ireland and let's just say that my people did not exactly endear themselves to me. They were rude, ignorant, bigoted, and their narrow spin on the world was frighteningly reminiscent of the KKK. 

Seems like that attitude might promote the Republican view better than anything Sinn Fein could ever say. 

I don't understand half of what this three hundred year plus conflict is about, but I do know 
that violence and retaliation has never solved anything. Ever. 

And it just hurts my heart to hear of it.

Be Kind to Belfast

The bricks they may bleed and the rain it may weep
And the damp Lagan fog lulls the city to sleep.
It's to Hell with the future, we'll live in the past
May the Lord in his mercy be kind to Belfast

Maurice James Craig

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