
So Many Things

Selma & Sal, the couple I met last Friday are still on my mind. We exchanged phone numbers, but the piece of paper was in my pants pocket when I washed them and the number - gone. Accident?
(My friend Dan T. would interject here "There are no accidents." Oh shut up and get out of my head.)

I have an idea of where they live, could go looking for them. But do I really want to do that? S & S could be a bit high maintenance me thinks. Is taking on someone else's parents something I'm willing to do? I barely want my own some days. (I KNOW. So freakin' selfish.)

Then I see Selma's eyes tear up as she tells me their daughter wants them to move in to assisted living sooner rather than later. Sal coming back from the car with three pens, "one of which might work." It took both of them to write the phone number.

They reminded me of Madeline Kahn and Mel Brooks in "High Anxiety" when they pretended to be an old married couple going through airport security:
THORNDYKE: If you're loud and annoying, psychologically,
people don't notice you.
Come on.
We can do it. Loud and annoying.

VICTORIA: (ln Russian accent) I can't carry this no more.

THORNDYKE: (ln Russian accent) Celery? You had to buy
in San Francisco? You can't get it by the market near our house?

VICTORIA: Excuse me, I bought the celery in case on the plane
they wanted to serve you a Bloody Mary.

THORNDYKE: A Bloody Mary? Well, I don't like the Bloody Mary
they serve on the plane. No sir. It's too burning.

They don't even put tomato juice, they put snappy peppy.
Murray Weintraub, remember him?
Morning, noon and night he drank the Bloody Marys
with the peppy snappy.

You know where he is now? Dead from that.

VICTORIA: Murray Weintraub is not dead.
Murray Weintraub is alive.


VICTORIA: Morris Turtletaub you're talking about. The one from
Great Neck who walks sideways like this.
(Muttering nonsensically)

THORNDYKE: No sir. Morris Turtletaub didn't walk like that.
Morris Turtletaub, to my memory, walked just like this.

(Muttering nonsensically)

A little irregular. Couldn't help himself.

Trying to sort all this out in my head is hard enough without trying to write about it. Coherent is not my forte. I envy people who express themselves eloquently and succinctly.

What to do...


  1. Oh, I loved your 'get out of my head' line! :)

    Hmm... Maybe what's stopping you from reconnecting is the belief that if you find these people again, you'll have to dedicate a huge part of your life to them. (And that, of course, feels overwhelming.) But perhaps they just need simple friendship from you. Someone who adds just the right little something to their days. Always it will be up to you how much you give to others. You are the captain of your own ship when it comes to relationships (I read that at 15 and have never forgotten it.)

    Just my 2 cents ..... Thanks for another delightful post! Blessings, Debra

  2. If you decide to find them, kids and I will help by providing...whatever it is we provide...

    This is CP -- still can't figure out proper procedures re sign-in. No laughing.

  3. Oh! It wasn't until today that I clicked on your 'succinctly link'. Wow, thanks so much! I consider that a huge compliment. Huge. Blessings, Debra (who's now off to read the other blog to which you linked). :)
